Ademuyiwa Moyege Love
3 min readJan 9, 2023



Your health is a very vital, yet underrated aspect of your life. Like every other year, people have goals they plan to accomplish, so they make plans to realise their dreams, however, very few people put their health into consideration.

No matter how big your dream is, or how realistic your plans are, once you are sick, there is little chance that you can achieve those dreams. A healthy person can focus on attaining goals but a sick person has to first focus on becoming healthy.

While writing down your visions for this year, you should imbibe these pointers to stay healthy and avoid being sick.

Ways To Stay Healthy

You should follow the suggestions which are discussed below so that you can stay healthy this year.

1. Exercise Daily:

Exercise is a productive way to stay healthy. You should exercise every day so that your body can be healthy and fit.

Exercises are of various types and they are suitable for everyone including people with health conditions. However, you must consult your Doctor first on the types of home workouts you want to engage in or before you go to the gym.

2. Eat Good Food:

The kind of food you eat can make or mar your body. You need to make sure that whatever food you eat is in good condition and suitable for eating.

Most importantly, you should make sure that you eat a balanced diet daily so that you can stay energetic. Additionally, you should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you can also stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water.

3. Good sleep:

Lack of sleep or insufficient sleeping hours can cause fatigue and even sickness. To be able to efficiently accomplish all that you have planned, you need to sleep soundly each night so that your body can get some rest in preparation for the next task.

Furthermore, you should make sure that every form of distraction is eradicated just before you go to bed so that you can sleep soundly.

4. Plan:

Making sufficient plans saves you a lot of stress. When you have many tasks to accomplish but there are no plans set in place, you are likely to get stressed.

You should create a to-do list or a daily schedule so that you can accomplish more tasks and avoid pressure, stress and illnesses.

5. Relax:

Many people keep working without resting and due to the constant pressure, there is a rise in their stress level which often causes sickness. To avoid being like these people, you should take time to get some rest and have fun.

To relax, you can engage in your hobbies, hang out with close friends, visit a spa or even meditate. This way, you can release all the pent-up tension in your body.


It is easier to remain healthy than it is to get healthy. To live healthily, you have to change your lifestyle and incorporate beneficial habits that will help you live a vigorous life.

Also, it is not enough to know the habits to imbibe, you must also be consistent and disciplined to make your health an achievable success.

Ademuyiwa Moyege Love

Introverts are often overthinkers, so here's a sneak peek into an introvert's mind. I share my thoughts and opinions in whatever form that comes to me.